UsingPolyurethane To Prevent Scratches On Hardwood Floors


We just had our beautiful heart pine floors redone, with with two coats of polyurethane to finish. We are seeing abundant surface scratches in one room not even a month later. Is there any product that will hide existing scratches and help prevent future ones?



Dear Keith

I have always used at least 4 coats of poly on all my pine floor jobs. And never a lacqeur sealer as the undercoat. This may be why you have such a weak finish, just not enough film. But if they used a lacquer or shellac based sealer, you will always have a problem. If that’s the case read my article in the Floored News about Lacquer Floor Fires.

So, I would say add more finish, and then be sure to read my floor maintenance article in the Floored News section. The article will suggest all the varous solutions to scratches, and the advantages and drawbacks of each. More detail than I can put in this e-mail.

As always your Most humble servant, Joseph, the Wood Floor Doctor