Pledge: Floorcare Wood Squirt & Mop is a wood floor cleaning product. It claims to not leave any residue on your wood floors and it maintains your floor’s natural finish. It has a fresh citrus scent. Pledge Floorcare is suitable for any sealed wood floors. It is available most supermarkets and home improvement stores.
It is an easy product to use. The solution is mixed for you. As the name goes, just squirt it and spread it around your wood floors with a mop. That is all there is to it!
What Consumers Think
Most people are happy that Pledge dries so incredibly fast and the scent is very appealing. The disappointing feature of Pledge Floorcare is it leaves wood floors dull, foggy and streaky. It will make your wood floors appear dirtier than before. If you use Pledge Floorcare, it will give you a new job – to remove it!
Final Thoughts
It is better not to use Pledge Floorcare at all. There are some homeowners who are happy with it. My feeling is either their wood floors are in terrible shape and they want anything to rejuvenate them or they are using very little of the product – not enough to make the streaks noticeable.
When trying to find the ingredients in the product, they were nowhere to be found. I am not certain that there is wax in this product but I am pretty sure that there is some. No wonder it leaves residue and build-up!
Avoid the hassle of trying to remove Pledge Floorcare – don’t try it!