For contractors: How to get those better jobs, at the prices you want.

You could do all this in less than a year in a small community. Heck, even big cities are just a series of small neighborhoods. Neighbors often talk about the great tradesmen, but complain bitterly of the poor ones. Bad news about poor tradespeople as I said before travels twice as far, and twice and fast. Do anything you can to keep from getting a bad reputation in a small close knit community. Bend over backwards for all of your customers. Do your work well, and be willing to help with the moving out, or moving back in if needed. Help with the cleaning, whatever they need. Just don’t lower your price to meet the so-called competition. You are going to develop unique ways of work, that put you beyond the ordinary production guys.

I’ve got a lot of information in this web site, and it’s not all about how to install and sand floors. There are lots of other methods to restore hardwood floors. Be sure to have a lot knowledge of these alternatives before you bid on a job. Just like there is more than one way to skin a cat (ouch , that sounds awful). Choose the best floor or restoration method for each job. It’s your job as the skilled mechanic to suggest this to your prospective client.

And really that’s your job, not a marketer or salesman, but an educator. Sort of like what I am doing for you right now, and you appreciate this article don’t you, after all you’ve read it to the end. Good for you, it shows you have a good and long attention span. And hopefully a eye for details, I just know you will succeed.